Interview with Hiroe Koganezawa
summer interview. And here it comes! For this edition our questions travelled almost around the whole globe until the email reached Hiroe Koganezawa while she was visiting in Australia. She took them home to Japan and finally sent us her answers back to Germany. If there was any doubt that we’re
global players, it should be vanished now. 😉 Thank you, Hiroe! (SC)
Dynamics: The final game of the season has been a while ago and volleyball was a little bit of a „side tone“ here in Germany because all were caught with the „soccer virus“. How did you spend your last weeks since you left Suhl?
Hiroe: I traveled to Australia and I’ve enjoyed experiencing Australian culture.
Dynamics: Looking back – what were the biggest challenges / most remarkable moments you had this season here in Suhl? How did you like the surroundings and the countryside here in Suhl?
Hiroe: The biggest challenges were mainly due to injuries that had taken place within the team, it was hard to keep motivation levels at a optimum level. This also made a challenge for the team and the success we had on the court.
I was happy with living in Suhl, but wished I had a car to travel, specifically an automatic car. I was a little sad in that way. However my flat mate Ezster had a car to drive me which was a manual. And I liked the nature, which was fine.
Dynamics: We heard that the „team evenings“ were a great success and that you were cooking for each other very often. Did you know that you were building on a long „tradion“ here in Suhl, when you were preparing japanese food for your team mates? (The only japanese restaurant of the former GDR was placed here in Suhl, and there soon will be a film made about it. [1])
Hiroe: No, I didn’t know, i just wanted my team mates to experience japanese food.
Dynamics: Did you and your team mates were able to find out, which food is the best for good volleyball performances? 😉
Hiroe: Specifically for myself, a curry was always good before a game. But I cannot speak for anyone else.
Dynamics: You had to take over the libero position half way through the season. How difficult was it for you to adapt and did you feel comfortable playing this part? Did you miss the offensive game?
Hiroe: I can’t tell you that it was comfortable or uncomfortable. But I really could recognize how important position (Libero) is in a team. Now I love Libero as a position 🙂 and I didn’t miss the offensive game then, because I already loved playing that position.
Dynamics: The cup final is Germanys biggest volleyball event. How was it for you to participate and did you ever play in front of such a big crowd before?
Hiroe: I have played in bigger crowds previously when I was a junior, but haven’t played in such capacity since that time.
I really enjoyed playing in front of the big crowd, however in retrospect after the loss we had in the final it was disappointing as I could tell from our team perspective and for myself. It would be valuable to play with bigger crowds to gain more experience and confidence.
Dynamics: You are a real globetrotter. From Suhl you went directly to Australia. Is it a new stop in your volleyball career or do you have other plans for the near future?
Hiroe: Honestly it is for my future (my fiance is here) to build a career and improve English skill.
Dynamics: You are a very experienced volleyball player. How old were you, when you started playing volleyball? Was there a special reason (or role model) for you that made you choose this sport?
Hiroe: I started volleyball when I was 9 years old. One aunt who has a daughter joined a volleyball club and told me that I’m „tall enough to be a volleyball player and should join a team“.
Dynamics:This years volleyball world championship will be played in your home country. „Japan and volleyball“ – is it comparable to „Germany and soccer“ and how important will this tournament be for the fans in Japan? Do you plan to visit some games?
Hiroe: I’m proud that such a big tournament is held in my country Japan and quite a lot of fans are into it. I’ve visited and watched the game several times, and of course I will. 🙂
Dynamics: Thank you very much for answering our questions and for all your effort here in Suhl. It was really great to have you here and on behalf of our fanclub members we wish you all the best for the future.
Hiroe: I wish all the players, fans and coaching staff associated with Suhl have continued success and a great season.
The Dynamics conducted this interview via e-mail. (SC)